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The Lovely Harper Family!

I first met Sonya when I was taking her photo for a staff portrait at her work a few months back.  Yesterday I got to meet her beautiful family and spend some time getting some portraits of them too! 

This is them:

Sonya and Darryl have been married for 20 years, and they’re so great together!  I love photographing couples so many years after the wedding, and the chemistry is still there.

Check out their gorgeous kids!

I offered to take Kate home with me.  She’d fit into my little brood quite nicely, but apparently she’s quite happy where she is, even after I offered to swap her for a 2 year old, Sonya wouldn’t budge.  Ahh, never mind!

Even Aimee seems quite attached to her.

Aimee, I would have taken you home too – but you would have even less chance of getting a horse in our family!

Teenage boys generally don’t like to pose for the camera, and although Adam was no exception, he was such a great sport!

Aren’t they cute together?!

When I first turned up, Darryl was just deciding on what to put on his feet.  He asked if I would be taking any pictures that included their feet.  Too right I was!  Clearly he hadn’t discovered my crazy fascination with getting a feet shot at every session.  I do tend to draw blank looks from people when I try to explain how the head part of the body is so over rated! 

Thanks so much guys for inviting me onto your beautiful property, and letting me photograph you all!  You were an absolute joy!

1 thought on “The Lovely Harper Family!

  1. Wow these look fantastic jess

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