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Nicole and Michael – Married!

There were loads of people on the beach in Portugal.  Michael was armed with a hidden picnic of wine and cheese, and the intention to ask Nicole to be his wife.  He just had to find that perfect moment. Nicole wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but once the beach cleared out and Michael explained why they were there and that he wanted to marry her, it all became clear. …
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Joan and Sam – Married!

You know when your friend recommends that you watch a movie because it’s the BEST movie of all time?  It’s never really the best movie of all time, is it?  I think it’s probably because they’ve just built it up too much and in reality it’s just a really good movie, but you still feel let down. …
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Sarah & Tom – Married!

It wasn’t that they were happy about the fact that the All Blacks lost their chance at winning the World Cup, that part was sad for sure.  The smiles had more to do with the fact that this night, 5 years ago in England, two Kiwis who were just friends found that in fact they could be so much more. …
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Jo and Ray – Married!

It was beautiful.  The whole day was a lovely reflection of lovely people getting married.  And I don’t say that flippantly.  Ray and Jo have a way of making you feel like you’ve known them for years, they are thoroughly likeable and made us feel like welcome guests at their wedding. …