Mike was planning to propose to Lizzie in Italy. Of course. What better place to pop the question? He had planned a weekend escape – I must add at this point, that Mike and Lizzie were living in England, and that makes a proposal in Italy that much easier than if they lived in New Zealand at the time. Mike and Lizzie excitedly turn up to the airport, only to be told that no planes were flying due to a strike. Doh! Not to worry, the ever resourceful Mike found another beautiful place in England to get down on one knee and ask Lizzie to be his wife. She said yes. And on Thursday these two gorgeous lovebirds will be promising the rest of their lives to each other, and we’ll be there to capture those moments for them. Yeeeha!
Lizzie, I can’t wait to see you as a bride on your special day, I just know you’ll be stunning!
I’m not sure who has done it, but somehow these magnificent structures have appeared on Rarangi Beach. Enormously cool!
Mike and Lizzie – thank you so much for coming out to play. We’re super excited about Thursday! See you soon!
Congradulations Mike and lizzie, I am absolutely thrilled for you both and look forward to hearing more about your adventures and journey through life xxx.