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Josh and Anna – Very Nearly Almost Married!

Take one Aussie and one Kiwi, both living in the United Arab Emirates, and have them meet at an ANZAC day ceremony, before long friendship turns into love and tomorrow Josh and Anna will be getting MARRIED!


We headed off to Anna’s Uncle’s property out at Seddon, with gorgeous views and a personal connection for Anna, it was absolutely perfect!



Seriously cool spot, right there!


Often, when couples live overseas we’ll do their prewedding shoot the week or so before the wedding.  This is always a great way to settle any photo nerves and gives them an idea about what to expect!



Fun, easy going and not to mention not bad on the eyes, these two are going to be the perfect bride and groom, bring on the wedding!


Beach treasures!


We knew the weather forecast was not great, and the clouds were beginning to threaten us with a downpour.  Not before we scrambled into the cornfield though!  Josh, ever the gentleman, sheltered Anna from the rain with corn leaves.


I love me a cornfield!  I’ve done hundreds and hundreds of photoshoots and never yet in a corn field, guess there’s a first time for everything!


Here, once again, is how Paul and I see the same scene oh so differently!  I’m low in the corn getting the intimate shot, while Paul shoots high and wide and captures the amazing scene.


Josh and Anna, tomorrow is going to amazing.  See you soon!

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