Susan and Rupert were friends, flatmates and flying buddies. They went to work together, ate lunch together and hung out together. Rupert taught her to fly in the mountains. To start with they truly were ‘just friends’. But being ‘just friends’ suddenly became less appealing to Rupert when Susan decided to head off to Alaska to do some flying and exploring there, by herself. Suddenly this pretty girl with the heart-warming smile was about to fly out of his reach and Rupert knew what he had to do. He declared his love, handed in his resignation at work and went with Susan to Alaska.
Alaska proved to be even more of an adventure than Susan had anticipated… Rupert proposed. He knew what he had found in Susan and he wasn’t about to let her go.
And all of this brings us to this wedding. This amazingly beautiful day that kicked off our wedding season and awoke the excited butterflies in my stomach that had been sleeping while we had some quiet time over winter. And what a way to get them going!
Susan got ready out at Locks and Lashes, surrounded by some of her ‘besties’. No lack of smiles from anyone ALL day!
I actually remember these girls when they were teenagers and spending time with my niece, how nice it is to see them a decade later and still such great friends.
Susan, I knew you were going to be a spectacular bride!
Present time from her groom!
Meanwhile Paul is with the boys as they get ready.
Loving the cufflinks, they give away the first clue for the theme of the wedding!
Mitchell, Rupert and Susan’s wee boy, was to go down the aisle with Jett, his little cousin, and his Nana. Seems that holding hands is not always everybody’s cup of tea.
And when the urge hits for a little lie down, it pays to just go with it.
Rupert’s bride arrives!
And one by one the bridesmaids head down the aisle to these beautiful lyrics:
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
Then, when only Susan and her Dad were left, the music faded out and the bagpipes ushered them in.
And Rupert watched his bride walk towards him.
And he hardly took his eyes off her the entire time.
Pay attention to Grandma Shirley, Susan asked us. She’s 90 and ever so special. This was Grandma Shirley applauding for the wedding kiss. Beautiful. Almost poetic.
And then they were married and the smiles continued!
Am I the only one who wants to squeeze Mitchell’s cheeks?
Then it was on to Hortensia House, where the stunning gardens and blossoms welcomed us with open arms (or open branches?!)
In her speech, Susan said that she feels so lucky to have Rupert that she pinches herself every day.
The guys knew how to rock the parasols. Indeed.
Veils are hard work on a wedding day. They fly about, they get stuck on sequins, tugged by unsuspecting hands, dragged through leaves and snagged on trees. They are entirely impractical. But this is the ONLY day you get to wear one (and not seem out of place, I guess!) So I embrace them. I think they look dreamy and romantic and I delay the removing of the veil as long as I can!
It was time to head to the reception at the Rangitani Centre out at Spring Creek.
Where every detail was lovingly thought out and displayed to create the most amazing Vintage Travel theme!
Susan is a woman of many talents, not only can she fly donuts in the air, she can silence a crowd with her beautiful singing voice.
Rupert is the kind of guy you want your daughter to bring home. He’s got a friendly open face, an honest smile and is a great guy to be around.
Susan is a commercial pilot for Air New Zealand, so if you’re on a trip from Auckland to Wellington, perhaps check if a pretty blonde lady is the one doing the driving!
Time to dance!
Rupert and Susan, thank you for welcoming us so warmly into your wedding day. We wish you every happiness and many years of love and laughter together as a family.
Vendor Shoutout
Ceremony Venue: Nativity Church
Reception Venue: Rangitane Cultural Centre
Minister: Bob Barnes
Hair: Deirdre, Locks & Lashes
Makeup: Grace
Dress: Brides of Merivale
Suits: Thomas’s
Catering: Fairweathers
Music: Little T
Table Cards & Seating Plans: Leanne, Vanilla Hayes
Absolutely perfect <3