Amanda was just like any other Kiwi girl moving to London, yet having no idea that she was about to meet the man of her dreams. It wasn’t long before her two year OE (overseas experience for the non-Kiwis among us) turned into a beautiful love story, and now here we are ten years down the track, she’s still in London and marrying Robin, the man with the fabulous smile who totally stole her heart.
The first I heard of the story was a few months ago when I received an email from Amanda curious to know if we’d consider photographing her wedding, in London, half way around the planet, in June. The answer, of course, was a resounding YES from us! Little did we know how much fun we’d have with Amanda and Robin on their day, the location was off the scale cool, the weather was perfection, and there was so much love and smiles bouncing around we were buzzing all day.
I very much appreciate special touches like Grandma’s hanger.
Amanda and Robin made a considerable effort finding the perfect wedding venue for their day. They were after a little bit of a nod to New Zealand, and yet still a classic British setting. Each time they visited a venue it would tick one, but not both boxes. Cue Froyle Park. It’s like this place was purpose built for this wedding. It had both sheep and chandeliers, and enough super awesome spaces to keep this photographer very, very happy.
I’d never been to London before, and so when the opportunity presented itself I was all over it. I think the thing I was most surprised about is how absolutely STUNNING England actually is. I hate to say it, but I imagined drab, grey and concrete; however it was anything but. The country was green, there were rolling hills and trees and sheep. The landscape actually reminded me very much of New Zealand. Oh, fun fact, roads are narrow. Like, the kind of narrow that makes you really REALLY nervous driving around a blind corner. I don’t know if the people who built them 800 years ago really gave much thought about how two cars would ever fit on them at the same time, because they actually don’t.
Paul was with Robin and the boys as they got ready. This is the smile that didn’t quit all day long.
There’s something to be said for leaving enough time to get your tie exactly right. Right?
I guess back in the day when there was no such thing as photographs they only had paintings and statues to record how things looked. There are a generous amount of statues in Europe and the UK. I particularly like this one, and her expression which looks somewhat bemused. I like how she’s totally ok with having no arms at all.
Easily some of the most chilled and relaxed ladies before a wedding, that’s for sure!
How’s this for an UTTERLY stunning bride? Amanda, it’s no wonder you took Robin’s breath away when you walked down those stairs!
Gorgeous blooms by Sonning Flowers.
I wish you could feel the warmth of this family in real life. It’s absolutely exceptional.
And then he saw her.
And all was well with the world.
And then they were married!
I think once upon a time this place used to be someone’s residential home, a manor actually dating back to 1620. They probably had butlers and bakers and horses and handmaidens. Pretty cool to think about really!
Grandad was a very special guest, not only because he’s Grandad (of course), but it was also his birthday!
We didn’t have to go far to find beautifulness. Froyle Park is set on 80 gorgeous acres of English countryside.
Robin knew a good thing when he found it. Amanda is fun and pretty and a total ball to be around, and Robin was not about to let her get away. So when it came time to seal the deal, he went all out. Think New York on the Hudson River on a private sail boat, complete with the New York skyline in the background, and a jaw dropping ring. I’d hazard a guess to say that it was an easy yes for Amanda!
When there are statues, I expect it’s probably proper to pose with them. Wouldn’t you agree?
It’s actually impossible not to like these two. Totally fabulous.
It may not seem like much to the Kiwis among us, but having these NZ classics at the candy bar on the other side of the world was actually pretty epic. Especially for those who hadn’t ever experienced the joy that is Whittaker’s!
This is the part when I admit that the first time I saw this sign the C wasn’t super obvious, and I wondered to myself who ANDY was, and why he got a whole lolly table to himself…
Oh look! This is when Grandad got his own birthday cake, clapping, whistling and a ‘Happy Birthday’ song.
Froyle Park has one female peacock. She kind of just hangs around, wandering the grounds and sometimes staring at the brick walls. On this occasion she found her way inside the building. Good thing there were some willing groomsmen to put her in her place again.
I think the first thing that really hits you when you’re over the other side of the world is just how OLD things are. Here in New Zealand we think anything 100 years old is crazy old. Over there 100 years is just a sneeze of time, and doesn’t even get a mention. The history around every corner is mind blowing.
Robin is known for his passion for KFC, so this cake and the reaction to it, was absolute perfection! I normally wouldn’t dedicate so much of a blog post to a reaction to cake, but it was a pretty cool cake, so I’m going to indulge myself.
Robin and Amanda, thank you for inviting us to come over 18,000km to photograph your wedding day! It was as fun and beautiful and amazing as the two of you are, and we are so grateful to have been a part of it.
Vendor Shoutout
Venue: Froyle Park, Hampshire, UK.
Flowers: Sonning Flowers
Cake: Parteaz Cakes
Catering: Tapenade
Music: Farnham Light and Sound
Again stunning photos Paul and Jessica!
Fantastic work Jess. Loving the pics and a great story. Truly unusual way to cover the wedding. Sums them up well.