So here we are only hours away from Adam and Vanessa’s wedding and instead of feeling flustered and nervous about the day approaching, you just couldn’t get the genuine smiles of excitement off their faces – not even for a ‘serious’ shot. They are just THAT HAPPY about getting married!
Neither Adam nor Vanessa are from Marlborough, Vanessa is from the North Island and Adam is an Aussie boy – although let’s not hold that against him (or me, for that matter!) They both just love Marlborough for the scenery, and our super awesome Half Marathon that they rocked just last week!
So tomorrow is all set to be the most perfect day, the weather looks like it’s going to be amazing, the colours about the place are spectacular and this couple is pretty darn good-lookin’! And with their likability factor through the roof, it’ going to be one fun day!
Adam and Vanessa – we can’t wait to share tomorrow with you both! It’s going to be perfect – see you soon!
So beautiful , have a beautiful day guys xx
Very handsome pair!
Beautiful Photos. Have a great day tomorrow.