“He is one hot farmer”, Sophie said to her friend Kimberly as they were horse riding one day, talking about her neighbour whose family owned the land they were riding on. Secretly hoping to see said ‘hot farmer’ they continued riding and chatting about the man who had captured Sophie’s attention so well. As they rode up to the last gate, who should be there, but Paul. With eyes locked on each other Sophie made her way slowly through the gate. “Did you see his eyes?” she asked Kimberly as she caught up with her. Clearly Sophie was utterly smitten. The feelings must have been somewhat mutual because on Saturday Sophie got to marry the hot farmer from across the road on the very farm she was riding her horse on that day. Score.
One of Sophie’s great loves are her pets. Being a vet nurse she obviously has a real soft spot for the furry, feathered or hoofed kind. And when she speaks about them you can see her eyes twinkle just that little bit more than usual. Meet Rose, who really wasn’t sure what all the fuss was about.
Parents of both the bride and the groom are super special to us, we love watching their faces beam with pride as they watch their children take that next step in life. Sophie’s Dad was no exception. I know that he loved seeing Sophie looking like a princess, but what I think really made him glow was seeing her so happy.
This smile right here is what makes a parent’s heart leap. Seeing your little girl THIS happy trumps the dress and the flowers. For sure.
Having said that though, just LOOK at these gorgeous flowers by Jane at Fleurs!
Sophie, you are so beautiful.
Meanwhile, my Paul is already over the road where the boys are getting ready. Paul’s parents (that is the GROOM Paul, oh dear, this could get confusing!) put in so much time and effort getting their place just perfect for the wedding. It looked amazing! This farm has been in the family since World War 2, and now Paul spends his days working the farm along with his family.
If you’re picking up a dog-loving theme among the people at this wedding, I think you’d be right!
You actually can’t smile bigger than this. Like. For real. Try it, it’s impossible.
I love watching people’s faces after the ceremony, it’s the first time they get to talk to the bride and groom and congratulations and hugs and smiles are in abundance. If you’re planning your wedding, please make sure you allow enough time for the mingle! You won’t regret it!
From time to time there is a small person that takes just that little bit more effort to get to warm up to the camera. My Paul made it his mission for the day to get the shot of this wee one. It may have taken until the reception, but he got it! You’ll see as you scroll on.
Then it was time to steal the bridal party away to find some other cool spots on the farm.
While I know I really shouldn’t be happy about a drought, I am a little happy about the colour of the land right now. Don’t tell the sheep I said that.
Check out the super lovely bridal party!
Stunning makeup thanks to Grace!
Part of the farm is planted in maize. I have to admit I was a little excited about it when I saw it!
This is Flirt, Sophie’s most beloved horse. Having photos taken with Flirt was on the top of Sophie’s to-do list for the day. And what a star she was! Apart from wanting to eat the flowers, her manners were impeccable!
Just a little note, if you’re a bride and you leave your phone in the care of your bridesmaid you may find duckface selfies on it. Ahem. Sorry about that.
Check out the beautifully decorated marquee! Flowers a-la-Verve and so many details beautifully arranged by Paul’s mum and her fantastic team of helpers.
Loving the horseshoe table numbers, made by Paul from the very shoes worn by Sophie’s own horses.
I’m sorry (not sorry) to interrupt this broadcast to bring you a miniseries of very cute kids.
And check out the seriously cute smile that my Paul eventually got out of this wee tot!
We were hoping for an amazing sunset to finish off the day, but all the hoping in the world could not produce it. However, this sky wasn’t altogether a fail, quite the opposite I’d say!
Is it wrong to say that I may have found another tree to love?
We then snuck back to the festivities and everyone got their groove on to the awesome Headrush band from Christchurch.
Sophie and Paul, what an amazing day! What an absolute buzz to be able to celebrate your wedding with you, thank you!
Vendor Shoutout
Celebrant: Pauline McMahon
Bouquets: Fleurs
Other Flowers: Verve
Hair: Rachel Gibbons
Makeup: Grace
Dress: Astra Bridal
Suits: Munn’s Menswear, Christchurch
Catering: Fairweathers
Music: Headrush
Reception Details: Paul’s amazing mum, Bronwen, and her fantastic helpers!
Amazing Sophie and Paul. Congratulations. Love Jayne, Nigel and Jess. Xx
Wonderful day!! Bronwen, the venue looked just as fantastic as I imagined!!! Have a great life together Sophie and Paul.