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Emily and Jonathan – Married!

She liked him right away, this young man.  Jono was her Dad’s apprentice and he was under pretty specific instructions not to get too close to his daughter.  Much like a good Taylor Swift song this forbidden romance started slowly and for the longest time they were legitimately ‘just friends’. …
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Sorayah and Andrew – Married!

Who would have ever thought that the simple act of buying the pretty girl in the dairy a red crocodile lolly would lead to that very girl falling madly, deeply in love with you?  Obviously there must have been more to Andrew than just his generosity with crocodile lollies that caused this lifelong relationship to form, because otherwise we might see a sudden demand in the crocodile lolly market.…
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Stacey and Joe – Married!

The Save-The-Date card has been stuck to our wall for two years now.  Just to the right of our monitor displayed by all the thank-you cards that we’ve collected over the years, Joe and Stacey’s card hung, taunting us with the promise of a wedding that would be wonderful, but still SO FAR AWAY! …
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Sophie and Paul – Married!

“He is one hot farmer”, Sophie said to her friend Kimberly as they were horse riding one day, talking about her neighbour whose family owned the land they were riding on.  Secretly hoping to see said ‘hot farmer’ they continued riding and chatting about the man who had captured Sophie’s attention so well. …
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Nicole and Michael – Married!

There were loads of people on the beach in Portugal.  Michael was armed with a hidden picnic of wine and cheese, and the intention to ask Nicole to be his wife.  He just had to find that perfect moment. Nicole wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but once the beach cleared out and Michael explained why they were there and that he wanted to marry her, it all became clear. …